The main idea of the Memorandum is to promote a transparent corruption-free environment, which will stimulate the development of the economy, businesses and society. The text of the document was prepared by the UN Global Compact Office and it is the same for all companies participating in this initiative around the world.
By signing the Memorandum, the participants declared their intention to cooperate in preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine at all levels and agree to conduct their business honestly, transparently and in full compliance with Ukrainian legislation, the principles of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, the Rules on Combating Corruption of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Tenth Principle of the UN Global Compact Against Corruption.
The Anti-Corruption Week 2021 addressed the Anti-Corruption requirements faced by transnational and local companies in the Ukrainian context. During the four panel discussions many CEOs of large transnational companies were able to demonstrate how important a strong Anti-Corruption policy is for business success.
The representative of the Swiss Embassy in Ukraine, Nicole Ruder congratulated and supported the efforts of the Global Compact Networks Ukraine and Switzerland & Liechtenstein. She informed about the Ukrainian Reform Conference (URC), which will be presided by Switzerland in 2021-22 and is expected to culminate with the two-day conference in Lugano on July 4-5, 2022. The Kyiv event was held as part of the "Road to Lugano."
The UN Global Compact in Ukraine is holding Anti-Corruption Week for the second time. It is a dialogue platform that brings together responsible business, civil society and government, to contribute to the development of the country.