
Conference Results

Co-Chair’s Summary by the Governments of Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany

We have come together – with governments, international organisations, financial institutions, businesses, regions, municipalities and civil society – united by a shared commitment to strengthen the resilience of Ukraine for as long as needed. With over 3.400 participants representing the various stakeholder groups, we demonstrated our strong engagement for Ukraine’s future at the URC 2024.

Co-Chairs’ Statement

Presentations by thematic dimensions

Business Dimension – Mobilising the Private Sector for Reconstruction and Economic Growth
Human Dimension – Social Recovery and Human Capital for the Future of Ukraine
Local and Regional Dimension – Recovery of Municipalities and Regions
EU Dimension – EU Accession and Related Reforms

Results by Thematic Dimensions

Reforms Matrix
Ukraine Investment Guide
Support for Business Engagement in Ukraine - An Investors' Guide
SME Resilience Alliance
Transformation of the Business Development Fund into a National Development Institution for SMEs
Statement from the G7+ Energy Coordination Group and the Government of Ukraine at the URC 2024 in Berlin (June 11)
Agri-food investments opportunities
Skills Alliance for Ukraine
Internationalisation of Medical Initiatives and Networks
Alliance for Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Recovery
Coalition for Sustainable Municipalities at URC2024
Overview Science
A Platform for Action on the Green Recovery of Ukraine
Supporting Education and Science